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Dr Forrest’s Fat-Burning Bible

This simple weight loss protocol contains the exact step-by-step process that I took to lose 142 pounds in 90 days, transform my health, and save my life in the process. Tells a happy customer. And whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 105 pounds, this program will help you get there quickly, easily, and safely.

In the Fat-Burning Bible, you will receive the most up-to-date and complete list of Dr Forrest’s miracle ingredients, scientifically proven to boost the numbers of slimming bacteria in your stomach, and lower the fat-boosting bacteria.

you can reach your ideal weight even faster!

As well as this list of fat-burning super foods, you will also be given a recipe guide and meal plan, which comes complete with 21 delicious and easy to prepare recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, which will remove all of the hard work, and allow you to include all of these ingredients in every single meal...

And don’t think for a minute that this will be like all of those fad diets out there, that require you to starve yourself, cut out entire food groups, or search out bizarre foods only found on the other side of the world.

All you need to do is swap out certain foods for others, and add specific natural ingredients to your meals, which will help you to reduce...

Or even wipe out the fat-building bacteria that right now, are multiplying in your stomach and turning virtually everything you eat into stored fat.

And what’s more, these completely natural ingredients can be picked up at your local grocery store, for no more than a few pennies. That’s literally all it takes to start repopulating your stomach with friendly slimming bacteria, kill off the bad bacteria, and start losing weight.

just imagine for a moment how that would feel…

The patients can have a shiny skin at the so-called T-zone across the middle of the face, especially the forehead and the nose. An impure facial or scalp is the result of a hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands in the skin. Excess sebum gives the shiny effect, a known characteristic of oily skin. This skin makes special demands when it comes to cleaning and make-up, especially when blackheads and pimples are a nasty side effect. Also, the occurrence of acne scars plays an important role in this.

Imagine looking in the mirror in just a few weeks from now, and seeing a slimmer, leaner and happier person staring back at you. Imagine how much more confidence you’ll have when you finally get that flat stomach you’ve always wanted, lean and trim thighs, or a more toned and shapely butt…

And imagine being able to dramatically reduce your risk of succumbing to any number of deadly health conditions brought about by being overweight, like heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and much more, dramatically improving your health and life expectancy in an instant…

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